
The Virga-Sniffer utilizes a variety of flags and thresholds to detect virga from the given input data. The configuration can be set via the config dictionary, which will be merged with the default values. In the following all configuration flags, thresholds and settings, and their respective default values are described. See also the configuration demo.


Flags are boolean values which control certain functionality of the Virga-Sniffer:

  • require_cbh = True: If True, detected virga always have to be attributed to a cloud-base height (CBH) value. This prevents False-positive detection of virga which actually would be a cloud in case of data-gaps in the ceilometer CBH data. If False, this requirement is dropped and virga events, where the cloud is already gone, can be detected. The default is True.


    It is highly recommended to use True when working with multi-layer CBH, as gaps in ceilometer data are introduced by clouds in the lower layers. To circumvent the issue of ceilometer data gaps, one can adjust CBH-layer fill (cbh_layer_fill_…) thresholds.

  • mask_vel = True: If True, switches on the restriction of the virga mask to data points where the mean Doppler velocity is below the value of vel_thres threshold (see mean Doppler velocity based refinement). Therefore if True, the mean Doppler velocity (vel) has to be included in the input dataset. The default is True.

  • mask_clutter = True: If True, switches on the restriction of the virga mask to data points where the following dependency is fulfilled:

    vel > -clutter_m * (Ze / 60 dBz) + clutter_c

    where vel and Ze denotes the input mean Doppler velocity [ms-1] and radar reflectivity [dBz], respectively (see mean Doppler velocity based refinement). The default is True, therefore, the mean Doppler velocity (vel) has to be included in the input dataset.

  • mask_rain = True: If True, this flag switches on the use of the flag_surface_rain variable from the input dataset in order to consider virga only, if no rain is observed at the surface. This is applied to the lowest present cloud layer at any given time. Therefore, higher layer virga events will not be masked if rain is detected at the surface.

  • mask_rain_ze = True: Similar to mask_rain, but instead of using flag_surface_rain from the input data, the radar reflectivity at the lowest range gate is tested against the ze_thres threshold in order to estimate if precipitation will reach the surface.

  • lcl_replace_cbh = True: If additional LCL data is provided, the lowest cbh layer is replaced by this data if this flag is True (default). This is helpful to force the cloud base to the lifting condensation level in conditions when clouds develop by lifting and CBH data is potentially erroneous do to strong up- and downdrafts.

  • cbh_connect2top = False: If precipitation is connecting through cloud layers, only one CBH is assigned. If False (default), the lower most CBH is assigned, if True the upper most.


Virga detection specific thresholds:

  • minimum_rangegate_number = 2: In case of non-continuous radar signal in a column, isolated contiguous range-gates with valid radar signal are used only if the number of range-gates is greater than this threshold.

  • cloud_max_gap = 150 m: From each cloud-base layer, the detection of cloud advances upwards. Cloud-top heights are assigned below the first gap larger than cloud_max_gap. The cloud mask is always applied between cloud-base and detected cloud-top. The default value is 150m.

  • precip_max_gap = 700 m: From each cloud-base layer, the detection of virga advances downwards. Virga is detected until a gap (nan-value) of radar-reflectivity larger than precip_max_gap occurs. The default value is 700m to also capture virga in fall streaks relatively far below the cloud base, but mask out any clutter or not identified cloud close to the surface or lower cloud layer.

  • vel_thres = 0 ms-1: Defines the mean Doppler velocity threshold. If vel_mask is set to True (default), a datapoint is considered virga only if the mean Doppler velocity is below this threshold. The default value is 0 [ms-1], therefore only falling hydrometeors are considered virga.

  • ze_thres = 0 dBz: This threshold is applied if mask_rain_ze = True. If the value of radar reflectivity of the lowest range is larger than ze_thres, precipitation is assumed to reach the ground and not considered virga in the lowest cloud layer.

  • clutter_m = 4 ms-1: Slope of the linear masking dependency (see mask_clutter).

  • clutter_c = -8 ms-1: Intercept of the linear masking dependency (see mask_clutter).

Cloud-base preprocessing specific thresholds:

  • cbh_smooth_window = 60 s: Size of the window for the median-filter smoothing of cloud-base height and cloud-top values.

  • lcl_smooth_window = 300 s: Size of the window for the median-filter smoothing of the lifting condensation level data.

  • cbh_layer_thres = 500 m: Threshold used for splitting cloud-base layers during the preprocessing.

  • cbh_clean_thres = 0.05 [0-1]: Threshold used for cleaning cloud-base layers during the preprocessing.

  • cbh_fill_limit = 60 s: Defines the maximum gap within cloud layers to be filled by interpolation method cbh_fill_method (see preprocessing).

Special configuration

Apart from thresholds, the cloud-base preprocessing is controlled by specialized configuration:

  • cbh_fill_method = “slinear”: This defines the method of filling cloud-base gaps smaller than cbh_fill_limit. Possible methods are

  • cbh_processing = [1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 4]: This list defines the methods applied for preprocessing.


An interactive demonstration of the Virga-Sniffer configuration is available as a jupyter notebook (check examples directory, see Setup/Configuration-Demonstration). The notebook can be viewed in binder.