Method description¶
The Virga-Sniffer is a tool to detect virga (precipitation which completely evaporates before reaching the surface). As input source radar reflectivity and ceilometer cloud-base height observations are mandatory. Optionally but highly recommended are the additional information of radar mean Doppler velocity, lifting condensation level and surface rain detection.
The workflow of the detection scheme as summarized by the flowchart is structured in three parts:
Preprocessing of cloud-base height
Baseline precipitation and cloud detection
(Optional) Virga detection refinement

The workflow of the Virga-Sniffer virga detection. Datasets are shown as polygons, applied methods as ellipses. The submodule cbh_processing is shown as square, listing implemented methods. (Ze - radar reflectivity; Vm - mean Doppler velocity; CBH - cloud base height; CTH cloud top height; LCL - lifting condensation level)¶
Input data¶
The Virga-Sniffer virga detection method receives as bare minimum input the radar reflectivity and values of cloud-base height. Ancillary data is accepted (and highly recommended) to refine the virga detection. Optional input data are the mean Doppler velocity, rain at surface flag and lifting condensation level. For a detailed descriptions see Input dataset.
Cloud-base preprocessing¶
The input cloud-base height (CBH) layer data is preprocessed before it is used for virga detection. Prior to the configurable processing the CBH data is smoothed, which corresponds to processing module 4. The remaining processing steps are controlled with the configuration setting of cbh_processing, which is a list of integer in the range of 0 to 4:
0: clean and sort: First each layer of the current CBH dataset with less than cbh_clean_thres [%] number valid (not nan) datapoints are dropped (clean). From the remaining layers the mean height of each layer is calculated. The CBH dataset is then re-indexed, sorting the layers in ascending order by mean height (sort).
1: split: The CBH dataset is iterated successively layer by layer. For each layer, outliers according to layer mean +- cbh_layer_thres are identified and pushed to new created layers above/below the current layer. This process is re-iterated until no new layers are created.
2: merge: Merging CBH layer data by successively iterating all layers and comparing lower layers to all layers above them. If the distance of the compared layers is smaller than cbh_layer_thres, upper layer data will be added to lower layer, or merged by mean value if both layers hold valid data.
3: add lcl: At the lowest CBH layer, nan-values are filled with lifting-condensation level data (lcl) from the input dataset.
The lifiting-condensation level input data is always smoothed by running median window of size lcl_smooth_window
4: smooth: The CBH layer data is smoothed by applying a running-median window of the size cbh_smooth_window.
After all processing steps are applied, the processed CBH data is filled by interpolation according to the configuration cbh_fill_limit and cbh_fill_method. This step can be disabled by either setting cbh_fill_limit to 0 or cbh_fill_method to None.
Precipitation & cloud detection¶
After the preprocessing of CBH, the radar reflectivity values, specifically the boolean mask of valid reflectivity values, is used for the initial step of detecting precipitation, cloud and cloud-top heights. This is done by successively iterating the reflectivity mask starting from each cloud-base up- and downwards. Precipitation is detected at each range-gate of valid radar reflectivity iterating downward until a gap (nan-value in radar reflectivity) occurs, which is larger than the configuration threshold precip_max_gap. Similarly, valid radar reflectivity values from the cloud base upward are marked as clouds until a gap larger than the configuration threshold cloud_max_gap occurs. The cloud top height value is assigned to the range gate value (top of range gate) of the last valid radar reflectivity value below the gap (see example sketch).
The detection of clouds is always limited to the area between cloud base and top, while virga or precipitation cannot be detected in this range.
A special case is when there are no gaps in radar reflectivity between the cloud base layers. In this case, the intervening cloud layers are omitted. Therefore, the virga events are connected and in this case assigned to the highest contiguous cloud base and associated cloud.
The detected cloud-top values are smoothed as cloud-base values are smoothed prior to the cloud-base processing utilizing a rolling median filter of window size defined by the cbh_smooth_window threshold.
After this processing step, an index mapping of CTH and CBH values to the upper edge of radar range-gate heights is conducted for further processing. This mapping is used to separate the cloud- and virga-mask into cloud layer components.
Until this point, the identification of clouds and precipitation is solely based on the input variables cloud_base_height and Ze (radar reflectivity). The virga mask is refined by optional masking componentes, enabled via the configuration. The modules mask_rain_ze and minimum_rg_number can be used without the requirement of additional data. If one of mask_clutter, mask_vel, mask_rain is set in the configuration, additional data is required.
It is recommended to enable at least one of mask_rain_ze and mask_rain, else the Virga-Sniffer turns into a Precipitation-Sniffer. Using mask_rain_ze, virga detection can be done using only cloud-base height and radar reflectivity data.
Virga and cloud detection is sketched in the figure below. Special cases are:
time = 2: The gap (range-gate (rg) 7-8) is smaller than precip_max_gap to count rg 6 as virga, but rg 6 is dropped due to minimum_rangegate_number=2.
time = 3: The gap (rg 7-8) is smaller than precip_max_gap, therefore rg 3-6 are counted as virga.
time = 4: The gap (rg 7-11) is larger than precip_max_gap, therefore rg 3-6 are not counted as virga. In addition, the gap (rg 17-18) is larger than cloud_max_gap, therefore rg 19 is not counted as cloud.
time = 5: Rain is observed at the surface (either by mask_rain or mask_rain_ze), therefore no virga is assigned in this column.
time = 6: Same as time = 5. In addition, the gap (rg 17) is smaller than cloud_max_gap, therefore rg 18-19 are counted as cloud.

Sketched representation of virga and cloud detection from radar reflectivity Ze, surface rain flag and cloud base height data.¶
Virga mask refinement¶
The virga detection can be refined by enabling masking modules via the Configuration, some of which require additional input data such as mean Doppler velocity or surface rain flag. In order to actually detect virga and exclude rain events, one of mask_rain or mask_rain_ze have to be enabled. Other optional modules refine the mask by excluding events with undesired properties or clutter, so it’s highly recommended to enable them.
Masking rain events¶
Rain events can be identified in two ways. First, by providing additional input data (flag_surface_rain - True if rain is detected at the surface) by setting mask_rain to True in the Configuration dictionary. Second, by setting mask_rain_ze to True and define a radar reflectivity threshold (ze_thres [dBz]), which is tested against the lowest range-gate at every time step. If the threshold is exceeded, the precipitation is assumed to reach the surface.
The threshold ze_thres is strongly depended on the radar system calibration and configuration. Therefore, do not use mask_rain_ze=True without carefully choosing ze_thres.
Count valid data¶
If minimum_rangegate_number is set to a value larger than zero (default=2), virga events spanning a lower number of range gates between gaps of false values are dropped from the virga mask (see this figure)
Mean Doppler velocity based refinement¶
If the mean Doppler velocity is provided in the input data mask_vel and mask_clutter can be enabled. While mask_vel can be used to restrict virga to only falling droplets (with default vel_thres=0), mask_clutter restricts virga to datapoints fulfilling:
vel > -clutter_m * (Ze / 60 dBz) + clutter_c
where vel and Ze denotes the input mean Doppler velocity [ms-1] and radar reflectivity [dBz], respectively. For convenience, the reflectivity is scaled by 60 dBz (as -60dBz is minimum valid value of LIMRAD94). The values clutter_m [ms-1] and clutter_c [ms-1] are slope and intercept of the threshold line. A data point is considered virga, only if the above equation is fulfilled.With default configuration (clutter_m = 4 and clutter_c = -8) unusual combinations of low reflectivity while high falling speed hydro meteors are dropped (see figure below).

2D-Histrogram of radar reflectivity and mean Doppler velocity of LIMRAD94 on RV-Meteor at EUREC4A campaign at 2020-01-17. Red shaded areas show, when virga is not considered due to mask_vel and mask_clutter using the default configuration of vel_thres=0, clutter_m=4 and clutter_c=-8.¶
Therefore, mask_vel and mask_clutter can be used to explicitly mask a certain interval of interest of mean Doppler velocity or radar reflectivity for virga statistics.
Output data¶
The results of the virga and cloud detection are stored in an output dataset as boolean flags with the same dimensions as the radar reflectivity input data. In addition, the processed cloud-base and -top heights are stored, as well as some basic characteristics such as cloud and virga depth for each column.
For a detailed descriptions see Output dataset. The output dataset has an implemented custom methods for plotting of the Virga-Sniffer output (vsplot). For a detailed description see