Input dataset¶
The Virga-Sniffer virga detection method receives as bare minimum input the radar reflectivity and values of cloud-base height. Ancillary data is accepted (and highly recommended) to refine the virga detection. Optional input data are the doppler velocity, rain at surface flag, lifting condensation level. The input dataset has to be provided in the form of a xarray.Dataset (see e.g., virga_mask). In the following, the input variables, their dimensions and purpose are described:
Radar reflectivity¶
name: Ze
units: dBz
dimensions: (time, range)
optional: False
Ze is used for basic precipitation and cloud detection. The Ze valid value mask (True if not nan-value) is used along with cloud_base_height. If mask_rain_ze is True, values of Ze at the lowest range-gate are compared to ze_thres. If mask_clutter is True, Ze and vel are used to refine the virga mask.
Actually the unit of Ze doesn’t matter as long as mask_rain_ze and mask_clutter are False. Even if mask_rain_ze is True, Ze is required to have the same unit as ze_thres. If mask_clutter is True, clutter_m has to be carefully chosen in order to match the unit of Ze.
Cloud-base height¶
name: cloud_base_height
units: m
dimensions: (time, layer)
optional: False
The cloud-base height values are required to separate between cloud and precipitation in the baseline detection process. The dimension layer is required, even if only 1D data is available. Regardless, the data is smoothed and preprocessed based on the configuration setting cbh_smooth_window and cbh_processing, respectively. The processed cloud-base height data might have an increased number of layers (see preprocessing).
Cloud-base height preprocessing can be turned off by setting cbh_smooth_window to 0 and cbh_processing to [].
Mean Doppler velocity¶
name: vel
units: m s-1
dimensions: (time, range)
optional: True
The mean Doppler velocity is required only if at least on of mask_vel or mask_clutter is True. This data is used for virga mask refinement.
Surface rain flag¶
name: flag_surface_rain
units: bool
dimensions: (time)
optional: True
A surface rain flag is required only if mask_rain is True. This flag is used to drop the lowest layer of virga if rain is detected at the surface.
Lifting condensation level¶
name: lcl
units: m
dimensions: (time)
optional: True
The lifting condensation level is required only if cbh_processing includes a 3, which means that this data will be replacing nan values of the lowest layer of cloud base height. Adding this data helps to define a continuous cloud base to aid the virga detection.
The lifting condensation level can be calculated from surface observations of air pressure, temperature and humidity, using the Virga-Sniffer utils.
Output dataset¶
The results of the virga and cloud detection are stored in the output dataset as boolean flags with the same dimensions as the radar reflectivity input data. In addition, the processed cloud-base and -top heights are stored, as well as some basic characteristics such as cloud and virga depth for each column. The output is provided as a xarray.Dataset - names, units and description are provided in the following:
Virga mask¶
name: mask_virga, mask_virga_layer
units: bool
dimensions: (time, range), (time, range, layer)
With the same dimensions as the input Ze, the boolean masks are True if virga is detected on the radar data points. In mask_virga_layer, the mask_virga mask is separated by each cloud layer, so that only virga attached to the cloud base of the respective layer is True.
mask_virga = mask_virga.sum(axis=-1).astype(bool)
Cloud mask¶
name: mask_cloud, mask_cloud_layer
units: bool
dimensions: (time, range), (time, range, layer)
Similar to the virga masks, these masks are True if a clouds are detected on the radar data points.
Precipitation mask¶
name: mask_precip, mask_precip_layer
units: bool
dimensions: (time, range), (time, range, layer)
Similar to the virga masks, these masks are True if a precipitation is detected on the radar data points.
Virga flag¶
name: flag_virga, flag_virga_layer
units: bool
dimensions: (time), (time, layer)
These flags are True if virga is detected in an entire column / within a cloud layer at a certain time-step.
Cloud flag¶
name: flag_cloud, flag_cloud_layer
units: bool
dimensions: (time), (time, layer)
These flags are True if clouds are detected in an entire column / at a cloud layer at a certain time-step.
Precipitation flag¶
name: flag_precip, flag_precip_layer
units: bool
dimensions: (time), (time, layer)
These flags are True if precipitation is detected in an entire column / at a cloud layer at a certain time-step.
Number of cloud layers¶
name: number_cloud_layers
units: -
dimensions: (time)
This value is a count of detected clouds in different layers, e.g.:
number_cloud_layers = np.count_nonzero(flag_cloud_layer, axis=1)
Virga depth¶
name: virga_depth, virga_depth_maximum_extent
units: m
dimensions: (time, layer)
virga_depth and virga_depth_maximum_extent are measures of the vertical extend of the virga, but calculated differently. virga_depth denotes the sum of the vertical extend of all range-gates
where virga is detected, thus excluding gaps introduced by precip_max_gap. virga_depth_maximum_extent includes these gaps, by being calculated by virga_top_height - virga_base_height
. Therefore, virga_depth should be used, when calculating volumetric characteristics, such as the liquid water path, and virga_depth_maximum_extent for geometric characteristics.
Cloud depth¶
name: cloud_depth
units: m
dimensions: (time, layer)
The vertical extend of the cloud, calculated by cloud_top_height - cloud_base_height
Height values¶
name: virga_top_height, virga_base_height, cloud_top_height, cloud_base_height
units: m
dimensions: (time, layer)
The data of virga- and cloud-base and -tops as processed from the input data (cloud-base preprocessing and precip. and cloud detection).
Range-gate indices¶
name: virga_top_rg, virga_base_rg, cloud_top_rg, cloud_base_rg
units: -
dimensions: (time, layer)
The index of virga_top_height, virga_base_height, cloud_top_height and cloud_base_height in the range dimension.
Passed input data¶
name: Ze, vel, flag_surface_rain
units: dBz, m s-1, bool
dimensions: (time, range), (time, range), (time)
Some of the input data is passed into the output dataset.
Processing flags¶
name: flag_lcl_filled, flag_cbh_interpolated
units: bool, bool
dimensions: (time), (time, layer)
During the cloud-base preprocessing, the lower layer of the cloud-base height is filled by the lifting condensation level (if provided), and gaps in cloud-base layers are filled according to the configuration. These flags indicate which data of the output cloud_base_height is filled with the lifting condensation level (flag_lcl_filled), or interpolated by the filling method (flag_cbh_interpolated).
The output dataset is enhanced with xarray.Datast accessors to add plotting capability (see vsplot).
Parts of the quicklooks in vsplot make use of the colormaps in the CMasher package.
The methods can be accessed with:
from virga_sniffer import virga_mask as mvirga
# run Virga-Sniffer
dsout = mvirga(input_ds)
# plot a full quicklook
fig,axs = dsp.vsplot.quicklook_full(radar='LIMRAD94')
This produces: